I developed this animated series idea, "Paititi," my passion project, set in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. It follows young outcast Fran, who stumbles upon a mystical golden disc after fleeing into a rainforest. This discovery transports her to the fabled city of Paititi, where she must fulfill an ancient prophecy and battle the malevolent sorcerer Malekai. I’ve worked on creating a pitch, character design, storyboarding, and creating an animatic for a pivotal scene where Fran’s emotional turmoil sets the stage for her transformative adventure, blending fantasy, self-discovery, and family relationships.
While this project is in its developmental stages, you can stay up-to-date by clicking on the presentation to the right, providing a glimpse into the ongoing pitch development process. Follow along for live updates as I shape and refine this exciting venture, offering you a behind-the-scenes look at the creative journey of our animated series set in the enchanting world of Peru.
"This project is currently in development, with more exciting updates on the way..."
Final Storyboard Scene
Conceptual Art
The concept development art for this animated series will be celebrating the essence of Peruvian culture, customs, and myths. Vibraint tones will will create adventurous excitement and influence designs for the settings, characters, and enchanting landscapes. The style is intricately crafted, drawing inspiration from traditional textiles and patters, resulting in characters adorned in exquisitely designed costumes that authentically reflect the country's diverse heritage.